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Leadership Development
for Growing American Companies

With the goals of your growing company in mind, we help the leaders at every level of your organization apply High Impact Leadership to achieve success.

Do the teams in your company all operate at the same level of performance?

The performance of a team is directly related to its leader.

A poor performing team is the result of a bad leader.

A systemized approach to High Impact Leadership involves people at all levels of the organization from front-line / first-time managers to the senior leadership team. The alignment of leadership practices and business tools across the company creates an environment where everyone is speaking the same language, applying the same principles, using the same tools, and achieving positive results. 


We have solutions for every level of leader in your organization

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Designed for first-time and front-line managers, the Foundations Program introduces the 5 Principles of High Impact Leadership in group learning sessions.

  • Learning Objective:

    • Managers learn the practical key concepts of High Impact Leadership


  • Outcomes:

    • Managers apply concepts immediately to themselves and their teams.

    • Creates greater engagement, understanding, and expectations within teams.

    • Increases performance and accountability with front-line employees.

Designed for new and emerging leaders with subordinate managers reporting to them, the Emerging Leaders Program is an immersive experience combining structured group learning of the 5 Principles of High Impact Leadership along with personalized individual coaching.

  • Learning Objectives:

    • Emerging leaders gain a deep understanding of the key concepts of High Impact Leadership.

    • Topic-based readings add context to what is learned during group sessions.

    • Concept-specific exercises completed between sessions in live working environments adds the element of practical application to what is being learned.


  • Outcomes:

    • Emerging leaders execute at a higher level by applying concept-related leadership tools, techniques, and best practices with direct reports, peers, and supervisors.

    • Communication, problem-solving, and delegation skills are enhanced resulting in greater effectiveness in dynamic situations.

    • Clarity and alignment of goals, objectives, and expectations allow for greater collaboration up, down, and across the company.

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Designed for owners, operators, and senior leaders, the Council Program is a higher-level experience combining structured team learning of the 5 Principles of High Impact Leadership along with personalized individual coaching.


  • Learning Objectives:

    • Senior Leaders learn the key concepts of High Impact Leadership in a way that allows them to be aligned with their subordinate leaders and peers.

    • Alignment at the senior level of the company around concept-related leadership tools, techniques, and best practices

  • Outcomes:

    • Senior Leaders model the systemized leadership that they expect throughout the organization.

    • Creates clarity and alignment at every level of the company by demonstrating concept-related leadership tools, techniques, and best practices

How does a systemized approach to
High Impact Leadership
benefit your growing company?

Attract and Retain Top Talent

Leadership development reduces costs associated with turnover and creates employees with a greater sense of loyalty and dedication. In terms of turnover, the most common reason for employee exodus is a bad manager, that is, poor leadership.

Communicate for Clarity

Simplify for Effectiveness

Prioritize and Act

Decentralized Decision Making


Let's schedule a 30 minute chat to get to know each other and talk about the benefits of a systemized approach to High Impact Leadership.

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